
“Involvement of the Bar’s lawyers helped a principal keep the witness status in a criminal case”.

The general director of a travel agency appealed to Petukhov and Partners MBA for recourse after a search of his home and office by the Russian MI and IC employees as part of the investigation of a criminal case of grand pilferage in a counterparty company under Part 4 Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation.
Our barristers promptly reviewed the materials of the criminal case available under the criminal procedure law, the principal’s financial and business documentation on relations with potentially problematic counterparties, information on the flow of funds, developed a legal position, and conducted an oral consultation with the principal before the commencement of interrogation.
The Bar’s lawyers took part in the interrogation of the principal as a witness specifically, which made it possible to convince the investigating authorities that the travel agency’s general director has exclusively legitimate civil and legal relations with counterparties and is not involved in the pilferage under investigation. Owing to a competently elaborated legal position and formulated testimony, the principal’s witness status did not change further in the criminal case.
Parties: K.I. Petukhov, S.A. Kotlov
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