
“Administration of punishment as conditional imprisonment of the principal for two serious crimes”.

The general director of a company appealed to Petukhov and Partners in view of being charged with two episodes of fraud (Part 4 Article 159 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation). According to the prosecution, using his official position, a group of persons and he seized a particularly large amount of funds within government contracts, as well as fictitiously employed person thereby committing pilferage of budget funds. At the time of intervention, the principal was in custody in a detention centre, and the investigative body intended to bring an additional new charge by convicting him of another episode of fraud.
Within the shortest possible time, our barristers reviewed the available case materials, filed a number of substantiated petitions to the investigative authorities to establish the objective truth in the case, and additionally interviewed some persons on controversial points. Based on the collected materials and on the defendant’s initiative to cooperate with the prosecution, the lawyers competently formulated a defence opinion, after which the principal supplemented his previous testimony with a detailed explanation of the circumstances of the incident without concealing his guilt.
Due to a skilful explanation to the principal of the legal provisions applicable to this industry, common law enforcement practice and elaborated line of defence, in the light of all the circumstances, the court changed the defendant’s measure of restraint from imprisonment to a ban on certain actions as early as at the initial stage of the investigation. Further, the court ruled a guilty verdict in a criminal case with a conditional imprisonment for two serious crimes.
Party: K.A. Maevskaya
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