
“The Bar’s lawyers achieved the initiation of a criminal case on labour protection infringement to be declined”.

The general director of a well-known construction company appealed to Petukhov and Partners MBA. At a controlled facility, a general worker fell from a multi-storey building due to a safety breach and died on scene from injuries. As part of the procedural check, law enforcement authorities checked the company’s representatives, whose duties include compliance with labour safety requirements, for involvement in the death of a worker.
Petukhov and Partners’ barristers reviewed the required documentation on the legal relation subjects’ rights and obligations in labour safety implementation, provided the principal with explanations of the legal labour safety norms and their applicability to the incident. With the barristers involved, as part of the pre-investigation check, the company representatives explained the issues of labour safety organization at construction sites and safety compliance monitoring, clarified the legal position on the delineation of responsibilities between company’s employees and persons in charge of safety monitoring.
In light of the legal assistance provided by our lawyers and the competently formulated position on defence of the principal’s rights, criminal proceedings were declined due to the lack of corpus delicti, as provided for in Part 2 Article 143 of the Criminal Code of the Russian Federation, in the actions of the company management and other employees.
Party: K.I. Petukhov
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