
“The Bar’s lawyers achieved the claims against the principal to be declared groundless”.

The general director of one of the Moscow dental clinics appealed to Petukhov and Partners Bar Association on account of an incident that occurred in this medical facility in order to obtain professional legal assistance aimed at protecting the employees’ rights and the clinic’s goodwill.
Investigating the circumstances of the incident, the barristers found out that a woman visited the clinic for medical help and suddenly became aggressive during her treatment and caused multiple injuries to the deputy chief physician in the form of facial and truncal abrasions and bruises. Moreover, intending to mispresent the actual facts, the woman filed a complaint with the police over illegal actions against her and evidenced this with details from the casualty room where injuries allegedly caused to her by clinic staff were recorded.
To establish the truth, the barristers scrupulously worked on revealing all the circumstances of the conflict: they interviewed an employee whose actions could be the matter of criminal prosecution and other clinical staff, including security personnel, as well as studied the CCTV records confirming the falsity of the information reported by the patient. Then they made a list of potential eyewitnesses from among the patients so that law enforcement agencies could interview them. Based on the collected materials, the barristers formulated a reasoned position to defend the dentist’s rights and the clinic’s legitimate interests and presented it to the police along with the collected materials.
During a conversation in law enforcement agencies with the participation of her barrister, the woman apologised both verbally and in writing to the clinic and its employees, and also appealed to the police officers to terminate a pre-investigation check due to the groundlessness of her own claims and misconduct.
Party: K.A. Maevskaya
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